Monday, March 13, 2006


Fame or Vanity?

OK, here was one to brighten up my Monday morning! Amongst all the lovely spam in the shop inbox was this little gem

It appears someone out there has noticed my little online store and so I am invited to join the very grand sounding PRESTIEGE INTERNATIONAL WHO'S WHO REGISTRIES OF OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONALS

Sweet, I am sooooo flattered! They are even offering me a free holiday.. and no cost involved.. well that's what it says

The email links to a rather shabby website, so professional indeed that if you click the stock quotes link you are unceremoniously dumped on the Yahoo finance pages!

The bit that really tickled my cockles is under the Header WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT

Members of Prestige Who's Who Registries will receive a 9 x 12 Wall Plaque Of Achievement. It has a gold front, your name is custom laser engraved at the top and it will read "The Recipient Named Above Is Included In The 2006-2007 Prestige International Who's Who Registries of Outstanding Professionals. Inclusion is limited to the individuals who have demonstrated Leadership And Achievement in their Industry, Occupation Or Profession.

It's OK folks, I will find a piece of slate out the back garden and scrawl on it I'm one of those mugs who replies to spam emails Well, it would be a more honest item to stick on my office wall....Wouldn't it?

The Spam email in full, Images may vanish in time......

Received: from ( by WS1 (MailMax 4. 8. 3. 0) with ESMTP id 38461528 for; Mon, 13 Mar 2006 01:37:26 +0000 GST
From: "Prestige Reserach Department"
Subject: Your Invite to Prestige Who's Who Regristries
Content-Type: text/html;
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 20:37:04 -0500


It is with great pleasure that we extend to you an invitation to be included in the forthcoming Inaugural Edition of the 2006-2007 of Prestige WHO'S WHO Registries.

This Inaugural Edition recognizes those men and women who have achieved success in their respective fields. This special edition of the registry is designed as an outstanding networking source for the American marketplace as well as a world wide source for the Who's Who of global decision makers.

We believe your accomplishments, as a highly respected professional in your field, merit very earnest and intense consideration for inclusion.

Kindly respond to this invitation, and become a member and we will send you and a companion on a free 3 days 2 nights vacation good only at participating hotels including Las Vegas and Mexico. Become a member today while this offer still lasts, by completing the registration form at There is never any cost or obligation for a free listing of all the information submitted by you.

Please feel free to register on our web site, go to - please remember to include your acceptance code listed above.

On behalf of Prestige WHO'S WHO Registries, we wish you continued success.


Board of Directors

Prestige Whos Who Registries, LLC

Prestige International Who's Who Registries • 300 Motor Parkway, Suite 200, Hauppauge, NY 11773 • (631) 654-4045

Prestige Research Department · 300 Motor Parkway, Ste. 200 · Hauppauge, NY 11773

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