Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Moving The Pieces

In recent months we have seen two shifts in the activities of Lüdenbach companies which taken individually might not appear to have significance, however it is my opinion that these throw light on how Meinolf Ludenbach is protecting his scam empire from possible adversity.

The shifts both see the activities formerly conducted from Swiss soil being moved to other countries, first Deutscher Adressdienst GmbH (DAD) began targeting internet domain holders, an activity previously undertaken by Intercable Verlag (First reported in Tages-Anzeiger, 28th December 2005) now we see the ECG spreading its area of operations to countries outside Europe.

So what is going on? Put simply the biggest threat to Ludenbach right now is the Swiss Criminal investigation into 3 of his companies which was launched in July 2005. While Intercable Verlag is not currently involved in this investigation that could change and the Judge will almost certainly have the option of closing these companies down.

So there is a need to ensure that if the Swiss do move against him he can continue those scams formerly run from Swiss soil. This is not new, when the government of Liechtenstein liquidated the highly profitable Tour & Travel Guide in 2003 it was the turn of Novachannel in Switzerland to set up a directory, Novachannel's short lived foray into pornography was abandoned and the Tourist Directory was born. Now it may be time to move again.

I am a member of a small town Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. This organization sent us a document that seemed to ask for information about our organization for a database. We sent then such info and then received a bill for advertising in an amount of $1100. We refused to pay and are still receiving invoices. We sent them numerous emails and letters explaining our position and felt that there document was definitely misleading. Is there any way we can get this organization to stop harassing us?
Do not respond to any contact from them. They will eventually get tired of wasting time with you when there are other markets to target.
I was sent a letter Med1Web Novochannel in October offering some kind of free entry into something and asked for me to correct my details (free). I mistakenly signed up to it, as I did not realise that they were asking for 983 Euros until I received an invoice in January. I telephoned and wrote a letter to ask them to cancel this as I was not a business and did not really understand what I was signing up for. The company did not send anything further regarding proof reading the text/entry they aimed to use, until they sent the invoice, and I still don't know where they got my address from. I contacted consumer direct and followed some guidelines Stopecg.org. Since then I received a duplicate invoice from United Lda Med1Web in Portugal, and they have added dunning fees and interests for delay, even after I wrote to them explaining the situation. I am confused about the relationship between United Lda and Novochannel and really would like for them to stop writing to me. I have explained that I have been under a lot of stress, having a major operation and losing both my father and brother within 4 months and having to take care of 4 children and my mother who is severely mentally ill as she is schizophrenic and very distressed after losing her husband and son (my dad and brother) - I have asked for them to cancel and withdraw any of my details from their publications as I thought this letter had something to do with my studies who sometimes put students forward for free services to support us so we can practice what we are learning.

Please advise as to how I can stop United Lda Med1web from asking me for money that I do not have and for something I do not want. I really and honestly believe I was mislead into signing the agreement, as I did not see request for monies at the time and was lead to believe it was free amendment of some details they already had. Where did they get my details in the first place; it could be they were trying to communicate to the people who was living at my address before me = but this is causing me a lot of stress now and I would appreciate any tips/guidance as to what to do next.

The portugal embassy suggested communicating with Portuguese Trade and Investment Office at 11 Belgrave Squae, London SW1 8PP

Glenda Yearwod
I aslo been Victim of this , the sent me to up date my profale from my company and I did make shure that wase no any fee or a charges for this many canadian date base the phone me or sente me enery 2 or 3 years up date date base one for a sample is the canadian cancer sucity and the never charge me so I thing this was the same and like i dind not read any money on letter that the sent . I thing that the gragelent the copy of the letter that we all sign . now can our governament do same to stop those scam special that is involved at list 25 to 30 contry in the world this is a shame I just wanted to know if is a legalat for them to realy take peple to court in our contry from the site ant if so the corut should know that this excistet for the last 4 to 6 years all ready andit as been cause lat of stress to a lat of peple milions allredy
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