Sunday, February 24, 2008


German Tax Evaders Beware.

Over the last few weeks a rather remarkable spat has developed between Germany and the tiny state of Lichtenstein

Poorly reported in the English Language press are events culminating in the German Government paying a substantial sum to a Lichtenstein bank employee for a CD containing the personal bank details of German Citizens.

The effective bribe followed resistance by the Lichtenstein Government to German demands that they cease shielding tax evaders with secretive banking laws, the illicit purchase of the data has caused a major diplomatic upset between the 2 countries.

The Best English Language report I could find emanates from
South Africa
The BBC covers it in less detail

Raids on suspected tax evaders have followed with many of Germany’s rich and famous cowering at the prospect of their supposedly secret financial details finding their way into the hands of the tax authorities. Lawyers have been hired, bringing dozens of cases against the government in an attempt to head off any further investigations

So why is StopECG interested in these events?
Well again and again we have seen money from the scam guides passing through Lichtenstein, a network of holding companies run by fix it men in the principality appears to assist with the establishment of scam outfits and satellite companies whose activities are far from clear.

More importantly most of the people behind the scam guides (both the international operations and a plethora of smaller guides that target Germany itself) are German nationals; it is some of their personal banking details that may now be coming up on computer screens inside the tax authority’s offices.

It could well be that like Al Capone in the past, some German scam operators now have more to fear from the taxman than the police.

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